Please note: Our website is being updated during the next few weeks.

Welcome to the Website for St Ann (Without) Parish Meeting


Welcome to the St Ann (Without) Parish Meeting Website. We hope it will be a big success. Informing visitors about our Parish, to act as a hub for discussion and information for residents and to generally promote our small but thriving community.

Our next Parish meeting is being held on Tuesday 21st May 2024, it has been called by Stella Spiteri:


Notice of Parish Meeting


The success of this website will depend mainly on the input of residents of the Parish. We welcome any news/facts about the Parish, historical memories, or ideas of things you'd like to see. Photographs are particularly welcome. We hope that what we have already acquired will be of interest and just the start of greater things to come.

This is a new way of recording history that hopefully will not deteriorate, or get lost as things have done in the past.

We also hope the website will encourage residents to take a greater interest in Parish affairs and inspire them to come to our meetings, where everyone is welcome, as all Parish Meetings are open meetings.

It would be nice if people came to see what goes on and take part in the decision making in the running of the Parish. We don't have a high street or a central hub, we have no natural meeting places for people to get to know each other it's hoped this website can be a way for everyone to get together.

The current Chairman of St Ann (Without) Parish will be elected at our upcoming Parish Meeting.

We hope you enjoy your visit, if you have any comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us

Sarah Neels - Parish Clerk